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教学工作坊(总第12期):Initiative Self-L earning

发布者:本科教务办公室     发布时间:2015-05-18

教学工作坊(总第12期):Initiative Self-L
提交部门:教务处   提交时间:2015-5-18 11:06:31 字号:    



    一、工作坊主题:Initiative Self-Learning


    主讲人1:Professor Robert Grossman

    题目1:“ ACE Organic: A Web-based program for organic chemistry  homework”

We have developed a Web-based program for organic chemistry homework.  Students draw structures in response to questions, and if their answer is wrong, the program gives appropriate feedback to correct the student's reasoning but doesn't give away the correct answer. The program can assess multistep mechanisms and syntheses. I will show features of the program and how it can be used to help students learn.

    主讲人2:Professor Dan Stone

    题目2:“Building Student Motivation with Motivation Interviewing”

Originally developed for counselors to facilitate change in their clients, motivational interviewing provides a power set of tools for helping students recognize attitudes and behaviors that impede their academic success. This workshop introduces the theory and principles of motivational interviewing and offers practical strategies for adapting motivational interviewing to the classroom.

    主讲人3:Professor Lynne-Rieske Kinney

    题目3:“Scientific collections enhance student appreciation and engagement”

Collections of scientific specimens are an effective way to convey the diversity and abundance of study subjects. Working with scientific collections in classroom settings increases students’ identification skills, reinforces classification schemes, and engages students in hands-on learning. This presentation will outline one approach to using collections for teaching.








